ATJ Most ex's are ex's for a reason....
The reason is She could not live with the cognitive dissonance "Married to an apostate whom the WT says is evil and not to be trusted while at the same time her experience living with me told her otherwise" However she has dutifully kept to the party line ( shunning me) fully believing that if she holds to it I will come to my senses and return to the WT fold
One time some years ago when she was in hospital and thought she was going to die She insisted on speaking to me despite the vehement objection of her JW minders. My son realized this and had the hospital staff remove the witnesses so I could see her. She recovered and it was back to the party line. Although it was an extreme situation her authentic self did reassert itself. I am hoping with the passing of time ( 15 years) and the WT increasingly dogmatic stance on authority that she may be more open just maybe ( I harbor no delusions re the JW mindset)
I am a Christian For those that question my faith I can offer no conclusive logical argument that would satisfy them. Why am I a Christian? The gospels The life that Jesus led He is the sort of God I want my God to be.
Now as for the wheat and weeds Its part of my answer to the conundrum that the WT places its followers in " where will you go"
The following is an excerpt from the letter to my ex that I have composed........
{ So where do you go? Is there another group that teaches JW doctrine? No! There is not. Remember when Jesus spoke about eating his flesh and drinking his blood, many of his disciples said” this speech is shocking who can listen to it” and left him. He then turned to the twelve and said “do you want to leave also” and Peter replied” whom shall we go away to” Note whom, not what religious group, but whom shall we go away to. Jesus knows those that belong to him, and as he said in a parable re the last days, they are growing amongst the weeds. Jesus is the truth not some body of doctrine and I worship with like minded Christians from many denominations who acknowledge Jesus as their Lord and saviour not their church. If I came back to your religion I would have to put faith in the claim of the WT leaders the GB who call themselves the F&D slave. The claim that Jehovah and Jesus put them in charge and you must follow them. I can’t put my faith in such a claim much less defend it, it would be like building my house on sand. I would feel very venerable threatened by anyone who disputed their authority. I could never again promote any religious group as the way the truth and the life as the mediator between god and man as the Org claims to be for the so called other sheep class. ( Jesus was talking about the Gentiles as he said I was sent to the lost sheep of Israel but I have other sheep not of this fold. Scripture should be understood in its historical context)
I have simply told you my position where I am coming from. I respect your right to believe what you want and have no intentions of challenging it. I speak with my Mother often; I do not discuss religion with her. I enjoy her company as I hope I can once again enjoy yours.}
What I am asking the members of this forum is Have I struck the right note? Non threatening?